Monday, December 29, 2014

Your Roots Are Showing

So much of a tree's glory is taken in by looking up: leaves, blooms, branches. But just as compelling is what lies at our feet, a tree's roots. These intricate systems that sometimes compete with Rutherford's sidewalks or end up in our sewer pipes are fascinating and integral to a tree's health.
Like something out of the Lord of the Rings, the base of this tree appears to flow over the sidewalk like lava.

Like all plants, trees require water, oxygen and nutrients. Trees rely on roots to store and provide these elements, and roots also help to anchor a tree. 
Fascinating: Above-ground tree root makes the leap from the tree belt.

To preserve our majestic trees we must protect their roots by avoiding damage or injury, over- or under-watering, improper fertilization, improper use of herbicides, deicing salts and other chemicals.
Stronger than concrete.

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